


If you are a financial advisor whose clients have concerns about where their money is invested, register to use our database of ethically screened and positive-themed funds, or get in touch to find out what we can do for you and your clients.




Our Ethical Funds Portal is developed with the support of:














If you are a Fund Manager with clients concerned about where their money is invested, get in touch to find out how we can help you provide ethical and sustainable investment services, and tap into the ever-growing market for responsible investment.


Fund Managers using our services include:













Our data coverage

The range of companies we cover is led by the needs of our clients and not tied to specific indices. We currently hold information on over 2000 companies, with the number and location of those we look at evolving through our client relationships, and changing continually to meet their requirements.



Our research and analysis covers:

  • UK large, mid and small-cap
  • Europe
  • Americas
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Bespoke company lists






Financial Advisors

We identify companies that are suitable and unsuitable for investment according to your clients’ chosen ethical criteria. We can provide bespoke portfolio screening services on a client-by-client basis, including guidance on the selection of ethical criteria and biannual reporting on which companies are approved and excluded.

Our independent research covers companies from across the globe; and a diverse range of issues which concern ethical, responsible and sustainable investors


Ethical Funds Database

Advisors can access our online database of UK ethical and positive themed funds. The database aims to cover onshore funds available in the UK market (with the exception of investment trusts) that operate an investment policy with ethical, responsible and/or sustainable investment criteria. Our innovative rating system enables IFAs to cut through greenwashing and examine a fund's aims and approach.



If you are a financial advisor whose clients have concerns about where their money is invested, register to use our database of ethically screened and positive-themed funds, or get in touch to find out what we can do for you and your clients.



Our Ethical Funds Database is developed with the support of:









Sustainable Development Goals

Our research processes identify positive investment opportunities based on our own Positive Investment Themes and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

1 No Poverty

2 Zero Hunger

3 Good Health and Well-being

4 Quality Education

5 Gender Equality

6 Clean Water and Sanitation

7 Affordable and Clean Energy

8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure

10 Reduced Inequalities

11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

12 Responsible Consumption and Production

13 Climate Action

14 Life Below Water

15 Life On Land

16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

17 Partnership For The Goals

Sustainable Development Goals



The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide a framework to guide member states towards a more sustainable future. The Goals cover critical sustainability issues for our planet, from the elimination of poverty and hunger, to the attainment of gender equality.

Sustainable investing

The UN Commission on Trade and Development estimated that meeting the Goals will require USD 5-7 trillion of investment each year between 2015 and 2030. Alongside government action, the Commission has highlighted the vital role that the private sector must play in support of their attainment.

Our SDG research and analysis enables investors to participate in this process. We focus on how companies contribute to the targets which underpin the Goals, through their products and services, through financing, and in the way they conduct their operations.

The SDGs were developed primarily as goals for governments rather than companies. While many businesses are embracing them, some of the positive, sustainable activities they undertake fall outside the targets associated with the Goals. We aim to capture these under our own Positive Themes categories.




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