Modern Slavery Statement
Ethical Screening provides research, analysis and guidance to enable individuals, charities, investment managers and financial advisors to screen companies for investment portfolios. Our research identifies corporate involvement in activities which present ethical concerns; offers data on environmental, social and governance issues; and highlights corporate activities which support the UN Sustainable Development Goals; all of which can be integrated into our clients' investment decisions.
As a small company, we are currently exempt from the legal requirements of Section 54 (1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA) however, Ethical Screening is fully committed to doing business as responsibly as possible and has therefore undertaken a number of measures to better understand and minimise the risks that may be present within our supply chain.
The information outlined below constitutes our company's slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 30th September 2022 as approved by the Directors in April 2023.
Our Values
Corporate social and environmental responsibility is not only a key part of what we look for in our research, it is also something we strive to achieve ourselves. Ethical Screening is a member of, or signatory to the following organisations and initiatives which support these aims:
- UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
- Fair Tax Mark
- UK Sustainable Investment & Finance (UKSIF)
- World Benchmarking Alliance
We are committed to upholding the principles set out the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; and support the ten principles of the UN Global Compact covering human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Ethical Screening is vehemently opposed to slavery in all its forms.
Risk assessment
Our direct operations are based in leased offices in the UK and considered to be low risk. Ethical Screening does not have any suppliers or business partners based in higher risk jurisdictions as defined by the Global Slavery Index.
We have identified our top 25 suppliers (by expenditure) and assessed which had recognised and taken relevant action to address any potential modern slavery risks within their supply chains. Ethical Screening contacted a number of suppliers where this information was not publicly available.
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Ethical Screening’s primary supplier mix changed on the basis of requirements for working from home for many of our employees. One particular supplier (a high street department store chain) was used to facilitate this move to remote working, and through its retail of computer hardware, was linked to a high-risk industry sector. Both the high street chain and hardware manufacturer have published comprehensive Modern Slavery Statements, which comply with the guidance set out in the MSA.
Staff Policies & Training
Ethical Screening has implemented a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy and publishes an annual CSR update. We have a number of policies to promote staff wellbeing including a Health & Safety Policy, Dignity at Work Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy, Flexible Working Policy, Grievance Procedure Policy and Stress at Work Policy. All employees have the necessary documentation to work legally in the UK.
During 2019 all company staff (including Directors) completed training to raise their awareness of modern slavery both at work and in the wider community. Since then, all new members of staff have undertaken modern slavery awareness training.
Future Aims
We will continue to risk assess our suppliers on a regular basis. Some have engaged with our request for supplier information by establishing their own policy for the subsequent financial year. Three suppliers did not respond to our requests for information about their supply chain policies. Over the coming year, we aim to share guidance and resources, which are available via Stronger Together and guidance from the UK government to encourage these suppliers to take the issue of modern slavery into consideration when managing their operations.

Michael Head (Managing Director) - April 2023